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30′ Series | 40′ Series

Resolite FS25A and CRFS25A panels have over 50 years of long-term performance history. Both have been utilized wherever fire resistance, corrosion resistance and good weathering characteristics are critical. Installations include various types of manufacturing facilities and a host of other industrial building applications.

Factory Mutual

Over 60 years of production and development experience has gone into Resolite’s RFM panels. These panels were tested at Factory Mutual Research Center and have passed the Factory Mutual 25 and 50 foot Corner Test. (FM Global Standard 4880) Both tests were conducted on minimum 6’0″ spans to simulate real world conditions. Resolite RFM panels have also been tested and certified for the Canadian ULC S134.

Resolite Acryloy and CR-Acryloy are names synonymous with Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer panels in the corrosion and industrial markets. In very corrosive environments, such as steel mill pickling operations, the maintenance staff discovered that after a few years of exposure their metal cladding was failing.

Tred Safe

A truly walkable fiberglass panel! Tred-Safe is a high-end industrial building panel with incredible toughness.


Tred-Safe DECK is the ideal replacement for old wood decks, spalling concrete channel slabs or other deteriorated systems.

Opalit is an ideal opaque roofing & siding panel for aggressive environments, made from polyester resin that ensures excellent resistance in corrosive environments. It can be adapted to suit any structure and reduces heat build-up in indoor areas.